Monthly Insights Newsletter: July 2023
Patrick’s Planning Post
Congratulations on Sticking to Your Long-Term Financial Plan and Investment Strategy
Despite negative sentiment and headlines, it has been a very good start to the year for capital markets. As mentioned in our quarterly investment newsletter, we want to congratulate you again for sticking to your long-term financial plan and investment strategy through a lengthy bear market in 2022.
For many clients, we encourage reviewing financial plans during periods of stress. We did just that throughout 2022, with the idea being if financial plans look adequate during periods of poor investment performance, that should provide reassurance to continue executing on previously laid plans.
This is a simple reminder that while markets have made significant returns from their lows in 2022, this is why we choose to use long-term averages and stay measured in your financial plan to not get too negative during bad times or too rosy during good times.
Congratulations again on sticking through tough markets to now reap the benefits of being patient and disciplined. As we are mid-way through 2023, this is also a good time to check in on any executable action items still needing to be completed by year-end and keep us in the loop with any life changes or plan amendments we should be considering.
And have a great rest of the summer!
Liebmans’ Library
For this month, we chose a Wall Street Journal article about some potential worrisome market indicators. While we are not contrarian investors, we think viewing market behavior with a healthy dose of skepticism is a beneficial practice. As a result, after a really strong start to the year, we put an extra emphasis on reading and research some potential headwinds in the coming quarters. This article does not represent an exhaustive list, but the author does highlight some thoughtful potential issues facing the markets going forward.
Libby’s Quips & Quotes
“Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.” – J.M. Barrie